Series 2: Aligning The Bean Exit Arms

Bean exit open alarm when bean exit is closed

The following tools are recommended to perform the installation:




Screw driver

Side skin’s and Bucket cubby screws



3/8 AF - For Lock nut


  1. Turn off the roaster, and remove both the side skins.
  2. Turn OFF the compressor pressure switch and then Depressurize the tank.
  3. Unplug the bucket cubby connector.
  4. Unscrew the 4x screws for bucket cubby and remove the Bucket cubby out.
  5. Check the position of the lift lever cutout wrt the optical sensor

  6. In this case the lift lever needs to go upwards In Order to center the switch with cutout
  7. Push the cylinder to open position manually to start with the adjustment
  8. Loosen the locknut if not already loose, and then spin the cylinder rod in clockwise / Anticlockwise motion based on down / up adjustment respectively
  9. After turning the cylinder rod , Snug tight the Locknut back, Then close the cylinder Manually to check the updated position
  10. Repeat steps 8 & 9 until the switch is Centered correctly with the lift lever cutout
  11. Once the switch is centered, Hand torque the locknut tightly so the cylinder rod cannot spin freely.
  12. Close the air tank valve, turn ON the compressor pressure switch and Turn ON the Roaster
  13. Verify the lift lever position with pressure in the pneumatic system. Run bean cooler MDU Test.
  14. Put back the cubby and connect the cubby Cable connector. Run Bucket MDU. Screw back the 4x cubby screws
  15. Put the side Skins back on.