Bean exit open alarm when bean exit is closed
The following tools are recommended to perform the installation: |
✔ |
Tool |
Purpose |
Qty |
□ |
Screw driver |
Side skin’s and Bucket cubby screws |
1 |
□ |
Wrench |
3/8 AF - For Lock nut |
1 |

- Turn off the roaster, and remove both the side skins.
- Turn OFF the compressor pressure switch and then Depressurize the tank.
- Unplug the bucket cubby connector.
- Unscrew the 4x screws for bucket cubby and remove the Bucket cubby out.
- Check the position of the lift lever cutout wrt the optical sensor
- In this case the lift lever needs to go upwards In Order to center the switch with cutout
- Push the cylinder to open position manually to start with the adjustment
- Loosen the locknut if not already loose, and then spin the cylinder rod in clockwise / Anticlockwise motion based on down / up adjustment respectively
- After turning the cylinder rod , Snug tight the Locknut back, Then close the cylinder Manually to check the updated position
- Repeat steps 8 & 9 until the switch is Centered correctly with the lift lever cutout
- Once the switch is centered, Hand torque the locknut tightly so the cylinder rod cannot spin freely.
- Close the air tank valve, turn ON the compressor pressure switch and Turn ON the Roaster
- Verify the lift lever position with pressure in the pneumatic system. Run bean cooler MDU Test.
- Put back the cubby and connect the cubby Cable connector. Run Bucket MDU. Screw back the 4x cubby screws
- Put the side Skins back on.