Series 2: Log output variables

Roast log headers to help understand what each parameter is used for

Variable Name Example Descption
Date America/Los_Angeles 2022/08/24, 12:24:00 Date and Time Stamp
State LOG Roast Mesage type, State
m:s 9:51 Duration in current state
HtrOut 540.1 Main Heater Temperature Sensor
CatOut 548 Catalyst Temperature Sensor
Blower 524.3 Blower Temperature Sensor
Inlet 586 Intlet Tempurature Sensor
BeanFr 418.6 Bean Front Teperuature Sensor
DrumBtm 327.9 Drum Bottom Temperature Sensor
BypExit 481.4 Bypass Exit Temperature Sensor
BnCooler 76.8 Bean Cooler Temperature Sensor
AirSpf 496 Main Heater Temperature Controller Setpoint
AirPWM 437 Main Heater Pulse Width Modulation Value
AuxTgt 590 Augilary Heater Temperature Setpoint
AuxPWM 459 Auxiliary Heater Pulse Width Modulatoin Value
CatSPF 548 Catalyst Temperature Setpoint
BlowerSPF 525 Blower Temperature Setpoint
RstSPF 419 Roasting Tempurature Setpoint
RstPWM 540 Drum Pulse Width Modulatoin Value
HtrPwr 445 Total Heater Power expressed as (Watts) / 10
RstErr 1.9 Preheat: Error between preat temperature and current drum bottom temperature Roast: Error betwoeen roast profile and observed temperature
mbVFD 274 Main Blower VFD frequence expresses as (freq)*10
BypPos 0 Bypass Position
BypTgt 0 Bypass Target Possition
TicTgt 0 Bypass Tick Target Position
BypEnc 0 Bypass Encoder Position NO LONGER IN USE
iF 0 Roast Curve Intitial Falling
Hpr N Hoper Present Sensor
Ld C Bean Load Sensor
Drp C Bean Drop Sensor
Ex O Bean Exit Sensor
Bkt P Bucket Present Sensor
Chf U Chaff Can Elevator Sensor
Can P Chaff Can Present Sensor
H2O P Water Bottle Present Sensor
Exhst% 300 Exhaust Blower Speed Percentafe
CtlBdf 86 Control Board Temperature Sensor
DrumI 0.4 Drum Agitator Motor Current Draw
DrumRPM 66.5 Drum Agitato Rotation Per Minute
Mbl 1.4 Main Blower Motor Current Draw
MBFreq 299 Main Blower VFD frequency expressed as (freq)*10
ExhaustRPM 6540 Exhaust Blower Tach Frequency
LastUerr 0x00 Last UART Error Code
UerrCnt 57 Total UART Errors
intlck SAFE Hardware Saftye Interlock Status
rr 0x0f Roast Ready Conditions
rrS 0 Roast Ready Value
V24 0 24V Motor Power Supply Status
V12 0 12V Motor Power Supply Status
comp on   1= comp on and 0=comp off.
comp on time   how long the compressor ran the last time it was on (duty cyclte) in seconds
Alarms   Current Active Alarms Expressed in hex