Series 2: Reading and understanding the Alarms


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Alarm Key Event Dispatch
(Immediate Fail Action)
Cause (Remember, all alarms are created by the ST board) Solution (Immediately requires tech services) Subsequent Alarm Induced Blocking Persistent (requires manual clearing)
Inlet_TC ExpelBeans TC is Faulting Inspect TC, TC wire, and yellow connectors.   PreheatRoast Y
Bean_Fr_TC ExpelBeans TC is Faulting Inspect TC, TC wire, and yellow connectors.   PreheatRoast Y
Bypass_TC ExpelBeans TC is Faulting Inspect TC, TC wire, and yellow connectors.   PreheatRoast Y
Htr_Out_TC ExpelBeans TC is Faulting Inspect TC, TC wire, and yellow connectors.   PreheatRoast Y
Blower_TC ExpelBeans TC is Faulting Inspect TC, TC wire, and yellow connectors.   PreheatRoast Y
Cat_TC ExpelBeans TC is Faulting Inspect TC, TC wire, and yellow connectors.   PreheatRoast Y
Drum_Btm_TC ExpelBeans Bucket_Full Inspect TC, TC wire, and yellow connectors.   PreheatRoast Y
Bn_Coolr_TC None Bean_Load Inspect TC, TC wire, and yellow connectors.   PreheatRoast Y
Bucket_Not_Present None Bucket is not present after roast has completed. Replace the bucket. Inspect bucket detect switch if still faulting   NonBlocking N
Bucket_Full None Bucket has not been removed after a roast has completed Remove the bucket, empty, then replace. Inspect bucket detect switch if still faulting   NonBlocking N
Board_Rev None The Control Board does not match the Roaster ID Try a restart first. Otherwise there may be a damage component on the ST or Control Board   NonBlocking N
Digital_Output None The Digital output ST pin was initialized incorectly during bootup Try a restart first. Otherwise there may be a damage component on the ST board   NonBlocking N
ModBus_Comm None The ST Board is failing to communicate with the VFD's Try a restart first. Otherwise there may be a damage component on the ST or Control Board   NonBlocking N
Bean_Load None The close sensor is not triggering when expected inspect the alignment and illumation of the decelerator valve hall-effect sensor. ensure it is illuminated when the valve is closed   PreheatRoast N
Bean_Exit CoolInDrumDuringCool The close sensor is not triggering when expected inspect the alignment and closing of the normally-closed beanCooler switches. Ensure they are closed when the beanCooler is closed Cool_Beans_In_Drum PreheatRoast N
Drum_Ag_Non_Crit SoftShutdownDrum Drum Agitator Current Draw is at or over 0.8A, or the measured RPM is incorrect Inspect the movement of the drum agitator (with the machine off). If there is noise or it is not smooth, inspect the chain drive or replace the bearing   PreheatBlocked N
Main_Blower_VFD ExpelBeans Main Blower Measured Frequency, Direction, or VFD status are incorrect Inspect for obstructions on the Main Blower. Ensure it spins freely (with the machine off) Cool_Beans_In_Drum PreheatRoast N
Bypass_Level_3 None During Init State (first bootup or end of a roast), ST unable to communicate or drive the bypass with the stepper motor driver Restart the roaster. Inspect Comms between ST, Control Board, Interconnect, PowerPCB, and Stepper Motor Driver   PreheatBlocked N
Bean_Cooling None Bean Cooler TC did not reach at or below 100F by the end of the cooling cycle. Exhaust Failing. Inspect Prefilter (can be done by customer), filters, extrusions, or leaks. Airflow is being limited.   NonBlocking N
Bypass_Level_2 SoftShutdownDrum ST unable to communicate or drive the bypass with the stepper motor drive. not a mechanical issue. Reboot   PreheatBlocked N
Exhaust_Blower BeanCoolerShutdown Exhaust Blower is not spinning at the expected speed Inspect cleanliness of exhaust blower. ensure it is spinning MDU test. Replace as necessary. DO NOT UNPLUG THE BLOWER WHILE THE ROASTER IS ON. If replacement doesn't resolve, there may be an failed component on the Control or ST board Cool_Beans_In_Drum PreheatBlocked N
Cool_Beans_In_Drum None Another alarm is curently on, causing the roaster to believe beans are trapped in the drum. This is induced by: shutdownDrum, BeanCoolerShutdown, CoolInDrumDuringCool Inspect other alarms that induced this.   NonBlocking N
Bean_Fr_Profile ExpelBeans After 3 minutes of roasting, the roaster is greater than 25F off of the Profile Most likely a poorly designed customer profile. can also be caused by poor heating performance. Use a Bellwether profile Or inspect heating system   NonBlocking N
Interlock_Blwr ExpelBeans The differential Pressure Switch is Open, meaning the roaster believes the blower is off Inspect that the blower is running during ready state. this may be triggered from another alarm that turned off the blower.   PreheatBlocked N
Interlock_Mn_Htr ExpelBeans The Main heater thermostat is has tripped. Blower and heaters are thus disengaged. Inspect the continuity of the main heater interlock at the powerPCB. Ensure the main heater did not overheat per the logs   PreheatBlocked Y
Interlock_Aux_Htr ExpelBeans The Aux heater thermostat is has tripped. Blower and heaters are thus disengaged. Inspect the continuity of the aux heater interlock at the powerPCB. Ensure the aux heater did not overheat per the logs   PreheatBlocked Y
Interlock_Drum ExpelBeans The Drum thermostat is has tripped. Blower and heaters are thus disengaged. Inspect the continuity of the drum interlock at the powerPCB. Ensure the drum did not overheat per the logs   PreheatBlocked Y
Bypass ExpelBeans The Bypass TC is reading significantly higher than the inlet TC, even when the bypass is commanded to close. i.e. the air is not going in the direction we expected. Ensure the Inlet and Bypass TC's are functional. Inspect the motion of the Bypass. ensure it is moving 45 degrees between fully open and fully closed   PreheatBlocked Y
Drum_Ag_Crit ShutdownDrum Drum Agitator Current Draw is at or over 1A, or it is drawing under 0.2A while it is running, or it is spinnining in the incorrect direction Inspect the movement of the drum agitator (with the machine off). If there is noise or it is not smooth, inspect the chain drive or replace the bearing Cool_Beans_In_Drum PreheatRoast Y
Bean_Front_Preheat ExpelBeans The Bean Front probe was reading a lower temperature than the drum Buttom TC during preheat. Bean Front TC is likely faulting Inspect TC, TC wire, and yellow connectors.   PreheatBlocked Y
Roast_Curve None The roaster is fully preheated but the roast profile has not been received by the ST board yet Asrock and ST are failing to communicate properly. inspect network connection and connection between asrock and ST Preheat_Timeout RoastBlocked N
Hopper None The roaster is fully preheated but the hopper is not present Ensure user is inserting hopper during preheat Preheat_Timeout RoastBlocked N
Bean_Confirm None The roaster is fully preheated and the hopper is present but the beans have not been confirmed Ensure User is confirming beans during preheat Preheat_Timeout RoastBlocked N
Unlimited_Preheat None The roaster is fully preheated but the roaster is in a test mode to keep it in preheat indefinitely Disable this feature remotely via roaster options Preheat_Timeout RoastBlocked N
Preheat_Timeout ShutdownDrum The roaster was fully preheated but kept from entering roast for more than 30 minutes. Induced by a RoastBlocked alarm Inspect other alarms that induced this.   PreheatBlocked N
Preheat_Overheat ShutdownDrum Roaster Overheated during preheat Inspect logs and confirm temperatures hitting the drum are reasonable   RoastBlocked N
Drum_Empty ExpelBeans The Bean Front TC did not drop during the start of the roast, lending the roaster to believe the drum is unexpectedly empty. Ensure the user did not forget to put beans in the hopper. Ensure the hopper flap is opening   NonBlocking N
Chaff_Can None Chaff can is not fully engaged Ensure the user loads the chaff can during roast   PreheatBlocked N
Water_Bottle None Water Bottle is not fully engaged ensure the user loads the water bottle during roast   PreheatBlocked N
Cooler_Empty CoolInDrumDuringCool The bean Cooler TC did not achieve 150F when the bean drop closed Ensure the BeanCooler TC is functioning properly. Cool_Beans_In_Drum PreheatBlocked N
Bean_Drop_Open None The beanDrop close sensor is suggestiong the door is stuck open. Ensure the Bean Drop Door is functioning properly.   PreheatRoast N
Bean_Drop_Closed CoolInDrumDuringCool the beanDrop close sensor is suggesting the door is stuck closed, or the beanCooler TC did not rise during cooling Enssure the bean Drop and Bean Cooler TC are functioning properly Cool_Beans_In_Drum PreheatRoast N