Most Common Issues with Series 2

common problems and solutions

  1. Bean exit failure [Bean_Exit]
    1. Arm alignment (document)
    2. pneumatic failure (pneumatic schematic)
      1. Could be anywhere in system
  2. Bean load failure ]Bean_Load]
    1. Sensor alignment (document)
    2. Pneumatic leak on lower end (pneumatic schematic)
  3. Beans stuck in roaster throat [hopper stuck on roaster]
    1. Bean load oring leak check for moisture during roast (document
    2. Solenoid failure (document)
      1. Stuck closed beans don’t drop
      2. Stuck open hopper release pin open when bean load open
  4. Bean (belly) drop failure [Bean_Drop_Open Bean_Drop_Closed]
    1. Insulation catching (document)
    2. Bean stuck between drum and door 
      1. Clean 
      2. Adjust sensor (document)
    3. Build up in door slide (document)
  5. Chaff can not sealed (elevator problem) [Chaff_can_not_sealed]
    1. Debris under elevator (document)
      1. Clean under elevator with vacuum
    2. Switch/electrical failure
      1. Continuity test with multimeter
    3. Pneumatic failure (pneumatic schematic)
      1. Solenoid or after
  6. Beans held in cooling tray  [Bean_Cooling]
    1. Clean extrusion (heat exchange) and replace filters (Cleaning heat exchange document) (Filter document
    2. Replace exhaust fan (document) [Exhaust_Blower]
    3. Check for fresh air leaks in cooling system
    4. Roasted bean bucket switch failure
  7. Chaff can not present [Chaff_Can]
    1. Switch failure (document)
      1. Wiring
      2. Wear to the plastic
    2. Bottom of chaff can is concave and not making contact on switch
  8. Drum Agitator crit [Drum_Ag_Crit Drum_Ag_Non_Crit]
    1. Debris (typically a nail) in drum (happens with green coffee in drum)
      1. Open belly drop door and try running agitator backwards and forwards. Inspect green coffee for debris when all has exited the drum. (Conducting Tech Panel Tests)
    2. Bearing failure (happens any time but this failure if in preheat) (document)
      1. Check for moisture in chain housing Rear Bearing Internals Replacement
    3. Motor failure (happens any time but this failure if in preheat)

Wiring Schematic

Removing skins SERIES 2

Series 2: Alarm Codes

Log output variables